The label produces an image and usually putts it into your GUI right away. To use the label as a child label of a gadget You MUST use the unattached keyword.
unattached (ua)
The unattached keyword does not produce a gadget. It creates an image to be used .Up to 10 images can be predefined, the last one defined is the first one used. Last In First Out.
This sets the font for the label. The GID points to an ALREADY defined text attribute.
Selected=num (s=)
Set the pen number used to render the text.
gadgettext="Label text" (gt=)
Set the text of the Label.
Use an alternate character to flag the hotkey for the label. CHAR is a single character. This defaults to underscore '_', changing it will allow an underscore to be used as a plain character in a label.
leftjustify (lj)
rightjustify (rj)
Set the justification of the text for the gadget. Defaults to centerjustify.
minwidth=number (minw=)
Set the minimum width for this gadget
minheight=number (minh=)
Set the minimum height for this gadget
weightedwidth=number (weiw=)
Set the weighted width for this gadget
weightedheight=number (weih=)
Set the weighted height for this gadget
nominalsize (noms)
Set this gadget to its nominal size.
useimage (ui)
Use the last defined image (bitmap/drawlist/penmap) as the gadgets image.
Correct a possible layout problem in the image position. You will probably never use this parameter. Technically it moves th image up one pixel, which is useful when mixing different fonts in the same line.
Definition Reply
When the image creation is successful the pipe replies with